Buy six tours and get
two more free
I was in my favourite coffee shop, Mancoco, having my loyalty card stamped when I thought I have lots of regular guests who come on my tours, just as I regularly come into this coffee shop. So, I wondered, is there something I can do to say thanks for their custom and in 2020 do something a little different, something similar to a loyalty card, or maybe something like one of those food and drink offers in pubs and restaurants.
Buy six tours and get
two more free
I was in my favourite coffee shop, Mancoco, having my loyalty card stamped when I thought I have lots of regular guests who come on my tours, just as I regularly come into this coffee shop. So, I wondered, is there something I can do to say thanks for their custom and in 2020 do something a little different, something similar to a loyalty card, or maybe something like one of those food and drink offers in pubs and restaurants.
I was in my favourite coffee shop, Mancoco, having my loyalty card stamped when I thought I have lots of regular guests who come on my tours, just as I regularly come into this coffee shop. So, I wondered, is there something I can do to say thanks for their custom and in 2020 do something a little different, something similar to a loyalty card, or maybe something like one of those food and drink offers in pubs and restaurants.
Having a physical card with a stamp might be a little hard to sort out as a sole trader. So here's what I have come up with. Buy six tours in advance and guests can get two free for any twelve month period from the moment of purchase, so people get eight tours for the price of six. These could be for yourself or friends and family.
The original purchase will, as stated, be valid for twelve months and if guests give me a minimum of two weeks notice for the tour they wish to attend then I will guarantee a place.
If you have any thoughts or queries then please email me on hello@manchester-tours.co.uk and I'll respond asap.
You can buy your vouchers in any number.
How it Works

The vouchers can be exchanged for places on any Jonathan Schofield tour. Please follow the instructions when you receive the voucher but essentially they are valid for a year from the date of purchase. If the price of the tour is higher than the value of the voucher than, of course, the difference can be paid.
As usual, I will endeavour to be as flexible as possible and if people have to make last minute changes I will try to accommodate them, otherwise two weeks notice is required if people wish to use their vouchers, just in case any of the tours are sold out.
The range of public tours on any given year is huge. Many tours have already been posted (click here), but there will be a whole host more throughout the year, keep your eyes peeled.
Tell your friends about us
Just a short note to thank you for the guided tour of the Mayfield depot yesterday. Having lived in the North and worked in the city for many years I thought I knew Manchester quite well, but I have to admit that I had never heard of the station at all. Until, that is, I was given a couple of your vouchers as a birthday gift and checked out your website. Both my son and I found the tour very informative and entertaining, with some great anecdotes to bring the story to life.’
Richard Jones
to our newsletter
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Just a short note to thank you for the guided tour of the Mayfield depot yesterday. Having lived in the North and worked in the city for many years I thought I knew Manchester quite well, but I have to admit that I had never heard of the station at all. Until, that is, I was given a couple of your vouchers as a birthday gift and checked out your website. Both my son and I found the tour very informative and entertaining, with some great anecdotes to bring the story to life.’
Richard Jones
to our newsletter
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